Applicable to UK Residents Only
Here is how to get started:
Step 1
Join AmazonSmile: If you are not already an AmazonSmile member, sign up on your web browser
Step 2
Get the App: Download or update to the latest version of the Amazon Shopping app on your phone. You can find it in the App Store for iOS or Google Play for Android
Step 3
Turn on AmazonSmile: Open the app and find ‘Settings’ in the main menu (☰). Tap on ‘AmazonSmile’ and follow the on-screen instructions to turn on AmazonSmile on your phone
Step 4
Same products, same prices, no cost to you: Do your regular Amazon shopping through AmazonSmile
Step 5
Support us: Make sure you have selected “The World Transplant Games Federation” as your charity of choice
Step 6
Shop and generate donations: Amazon will donate 0.5% of all eligible purchases to the World Transplant Games Federation, at no cost to you
Please share with friends and family based in the UK. We thank you for your support!