The World Transplant Games Federation is led by a Board of Trustees and supported by management staff.
The Country Representatives elect the Board, with each Trustee being elected for a period of 4 years. Election of Trustees takes place every two years at the face-to-face Annual General Meeting.
The Board then appoints two Vice Presidents and Treasurer from within the Board each for four-year terms.
The face-to-face Annual General Meeting of all the member countries is held during the Summer World Transplant Games, with an online meeting held in the intervening years. It is the biennial opportunity for all Country Representatives to meet and discuss issues and make decisions for the future.
Should you have interest in becoming a Trustee of the WTGF, please refer to our Bylaws – Please Click Here
It is also advisory to visit the following link for guidelines on the essentials of being a Trustee – Please Click Here